This volume discusses in depth important issues our civilisation must face in our journey towards a higher world order, including but not limited to, the schism between Islamic and Judeo-Christian religions, the schism between science and religion, the Genesis of Man, the evolution of Consciousness, 'Time and the Cell', 'Manifesting the Divine Person', a unified and whole vision of Time, 'Time's Precision in the Supramental Yoga', 'Foundations of the Supramental Yoga', the Mother's Temple, and Leonardo DaVinci's Vitruvian Man. Certain cosmological keys are also discussed by which the lens of mankind's perception of reality is focused and made capable of fathoming universal and eternal Laws of Being and Becoming. 'If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9 |
Chapter 16, The Mother's Temple, Our Guide: 'To go with the flow and not against it, is the secret. Many quests have encouraged the same attitude; however while extolling this method they have concurrently withheld reality from the field in which this flow must occur. This has created an even greater conflict in the human spirit and laid waste all our efforts to establish a life of peace and goodness on this Earth. The Earth is denied, her laws of harmony are rejected. Time and Space are considered the seeker's prison – hence the result has been a definite counter-current, notwithstanding claims to the contrary. Proof of this turbulent state lies in the fact that spirituality and religion have not been able to carry humanity up the scale of evolution and into a new destiny. Rather they add their weight to the forces of destruction, the overpowering pull of Inertia.' pp. 202-203 Chapter 20, The Birth that Fills the Void: 'All circles converge on the seat of the One, the navel pivot of the Circular Man, symbol of the transformed gnostic being. All that was experienced, seen, realised above has to be drawn down by the seeker and made the platform of his being in material creation.' p. 318 The above images MAY NOT be reproduced in any form without express permission from the author. |