‘At present mankind is undergoing an evolutionary crisis in which is concealed a choice of its destiny.’ – Sri Aurobindo
‘. . . there is only ONE evolution, one principle evolving through the myriad forms that constitute our world. This ‘consciousness’ has two facets, material and spiritual. But both respond to the same underlying energy and drive.’
‘. . . it is necessary to perceive what stands behind the play of forces; and to do so we must come to a more enlightened understanding of the evolutionary process itself. This will provide us with a more holistic assessment of the condition of the highest instrument nature makes use of for the purpose of the evolution of the species, in order to effect this upward march to ever better forms of consciousness and life: the mental human being.’
‘We have reached a major evolutionary turning point. There is a choice: Before us lies a totally new way of life and by consequence a new world order.’
‘The human instrument, an intrinsic part of the solar system and the universal harmony, is structured energy just as any other microcosmic or macrocosmic body. The human being has its ‘axis’ also, around which the individual frame is organized and because of which a separate entity can come into existence and sustain itself without dispersion, adding to this magnificent display of multiplicity within unity, which is the key feature of our material world.’
‘By working with time in a particular manner, it is possible to restructure the consciousness, and ultimately the physical being, around a higher pivot. This cannot be accomplished while religions and the old spirituality block the process by emphasis on a metaphysical experience that disengages the human being from any spiritually and materially meaningful contact with the physical world, and consequently absolves him from any responsibility therein.’
‘While the old degenerates into chaos and begins its collapse, there is simultaneously a work in progress to evolve a new species. The process entails, however, a laying of correct foundations. That is, a new ‘blueprint’ is being evolved, the lines of which are drawn by time, the power of evolution for the gestation of any new form.’
‘The new ‘blueprint’ being established at present is a pattern of harmony.’
‘There is a tested method to establish this new blueprint. It utilizes time as the creative power for this revolutionary activity. By a specific knowledge of the mechanics of our solar system and the relation of the planetary harmony to time, as experienced on Earth and in the human body, a shift is brought about in the consciousness-being of the individual practitioner, whereby a new pivot is established in the body, no longer prisoner of atavistic drives but responsive to a higher purpose. On that basis a truly new harmony establishes itself within the individual and his society. There is no longer a collapse of energies but rather a sort of mini-solar system manifests as a nuclear compound from where new influences emerge.’
‘This is an evolutionary process which respects the being as well as the becoming. Hence it does not seek to obliterate the cosmic harmony which is rooted in time and is the instrument for the Becoming. Rather, it evolves by the aid of those laws.’
‘. . . what is required now, that ‘choice of destiny’, as Sri Aurobindo has called it, is a conscious collaboration with this process.’
[bold emphasis added]
I recently reread the whole version of ‘The Emerging Cosmos’. It is an amazing article. What I was struck by was the new ‘blueprint’ being established which is based on the solar system, “of which we are an intrinsic part”. “This blueprint of a new consciousness-being will provide the basis for a new world order….It utilizes time as the creative power for this revolutionary activity. By a specific knowledge of the mechanics of our solar system and the relation of the planetary harmony to time, as experienced on Earth and in the human body, a shift is brought about in the consciousness-being of the individual practitioner, whereby a new pivot is established in the body….”
Now that is revolutionary!
This process is going on all the time, but we do not have the eyes to see that that harmony already exists. As Thea states we have been carried along in this evolutionary process so far, but now we are offered a choice to consciously engage. So it is critical that we SEE Ourselves as part of that harmony which IS. It is our seeing that must be made New. And so we have the Gnostic Circle with the knowledge of that complete harmony of planets, countries, geographies, individuals, groups. A line from ‘The Gnostic Circle’ comes to mine – ONE MUST COME TO SEE THAT IN THE RHYTHMS OF THE EARTH AND THOSE OF ITS INHABITANTS, THE VERY SAME MOVEMENT AND THE SAME ORDER AND GOAL ARE SEEN AS IN THE ENTIRE BODY OF THE MANIFEST DIVINE.
I can’t say that I understand the full meaning, but this is what makes me stop dead in my tracks and want to know more and SEE in this way. This is so different from anything that we hear about. This is what I want to come to KNOW.