‘At present mankind is undergoing an evolutionary crisis in which is concealed a choice of its destiny.’ – Sri Aurobindo
Category: Choice & Destiny
Understanding choice and destiny from the perspective of the Integral and Supramental Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet.
Simultaneity, Destiny and ‘The Magical Carousel’, – 4 – UNVEILING
For Vishaal Study Group, 11 February 2007 [Link to Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3] Our attention must be brought to focus on a singular aspect of our birth in this particular planetary system. Because of the development the Earth herself has experienced, spread over hundreds of thousands of years, the moment has arrived… Continue reading Simultaneity, Destiny and ‘The Magical Carousel’, – 4 – UNVEILING
Simultaneity, Destiny and ‘The Magical Carousel’, -3- COMMONALITY
For Vishaal Study Group, 10 February 2007 [Link to Part 1 or Part 2] Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of birth on planet Earth is the fact that each individual is distinct from every other. There are approximately 6 billion human beings who have experienced the same birth process I described in Parts 1 and… Continue reading Simultaneity, Destiny and ‘The Magical Carousel’, -3- COMMONALITY
Simultaneity, Destiny & The Magical Carousel, -2- ENHANCEMENT
For Vishaal Study Group 7 February 2007 [Link to Part 1] When the Mother and Sri Aurobindo counselled their disciples that yoga was above astrology and that less importance should be given to the latter and concentration should be rather on tapasya, this was as correct as it was necessary, given the in-bred Indian tendency… Continue reading Simultaneity, Destiny & The Magical Carousel, -2- ENHANCEMENT
Simultaneity, Destiny & ‘The Magical Carousel’ (1 – Convergence)
‘It is the subject’s first in-drawn breath that sets convergence in motion from all sides and breathes life into a particular destiny, or onto the CENTRE which is the individual soul.’