‘La Salle du Mensonge’

Written for students of the New Cosmology by Thea (Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet) Director, Aeon Centre of Cosmology, Skambha, 22.1.2009, 11 am. [This article was referenced in The Question of Alignment and the iconic 2012] In early Ashram days there was a reading room where all the daily newspapers were kept and the sadhaks could read. It… Continue reading ‘La Salle du Mensonge’

A New Experience of Time & A New World Order

“INDIA”, said the Mother “is a divinely chosen country with a unique spiritual heritage. She is not the earth, rivers and mountains, nor simply the collective name for the inhabitants of this land. India is a living being, conscious of her mission in the world and waiting for the exterior means of its manifestation. India… Continue reading A New Experience of Time & A New World Order